
Me ne Vado via... Im leaving

Questa foto mi sembra sta dicendo che Me ne Vado, queste due foto mi ha fatto dalla montagna Sharp-Stone dove ero nata. This picture seems telling that I'm leaving, these two photo he took from the Sharp-Stone for me where I was born. Yeah, 3 Agust... we both are leaving for somewhere for some purposes, life can be sad once we don't have any ideas to grap a better light and to be really happy and fair into our reaction. I'm quite exciting for my one month trip in Italy... Sapete quante cose belle da vedere e quanto mi piace questo incredibile paese. You know how many beautiful things to see and how much I love this incredible country. It will be another destination without thinking any plans before.. I'm going to Poland too for one week. A visit and to get knowing where's my bf come from, plus bring his stuff back to home. I feel so exciting for this new target except everything in Italy. East-Europe or Middle-Europe... has always been a mysterious castles or fairy tell to me. Dunque, io andrei vistare in Polonia anche a vedere di dov'e'... com'e' li'... gli ho anche prometto di portare le sue robbe a casa. Cosi', il mio viaggio per un mese sara' sempre qualche sorprese davanti negli occhi miei.

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My Classmate, Janice.

My Classmate, Janice.
Has inspired me... Hard worker opposite to me

Ma che vuoi

Ma che vuoi
MA CHE VUOI....SI!!!! NON MI ROMPERE EHIII...hai una casa?...hai visto la porta? Apri quella porta, esci...scendi...prendi un taxi, e poi vai a casa.

Che trattamento

Che trattamento
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In 105 Coffee Shop

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105 coffe shop

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